Monday, March 27, 2006

Becoming A Reverend!

Well in as much as I am a ESL teacher to be... I wanna be a reverend for only $29.99!
My lead for Kiev fell over and so I have to start a fresh... but broadening the search to almost any country now...
I must say at this point I am not fussy... I just have to get myself organised. Maybe Upper Laos.... or maybe Kyrgystan!
As long as I can get a pastie with sauce anywhere I go I will be fiiiine!
On a lighter night - I will be working in the normal humdrum world of 9 - 5 again soon. Seems my accident benefits will be flowing soon so I am happy, then the work cover agency will pay me the rest of the outstanding money.
I have been taking pre intermediate English classes, they are a great bunch of kids - well 19 - 24 year olds. So this week I have more classes. but I need to be observed by my instructor and getting time to do that is hard...
What else... Oh C3beerO is in love... in love wit ha tidy little Brit called... Princess Leia. She is a spark and a half and such good company... I am glad for C3beerO that is is legal... just 18... I am a little concerned about his choice but she is a sweet heart and keeping it simple is best...
Had a great night out with my friend Doug and he got bah-lind drunk and was so funny... I was Captain Sober so I had to the Molybenum Falcon... Obi Hyper-Drive!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Hit The Ground Running!

Well my friend Doug touched down at 9am on Friday last and it was St Patricks Day. It is a Huge day on the social scene and we hit the town like a 10 megaton Nuke! We were out until 5am. I had arranged a few guys from my ESL course and a few extras to come... and in a very un-Australian way, more than 90% turned up!
The night was spent drinking beer an chatting and laughing and all that goes with that... I have a lot of photos but cannot post any (protect the innocent of course) better eyes than mine noticed that a bubbly young English girl in my glass (18) was making eyes at me and it true Obi Won Style I completely missed it... DAMN!! She must have moved on to a friend of Obi's, we will call C3beerO, and without a seconds hesitation they were down each others throats like there was no tomorrow... Well kick me and call me Charlie!...
A favoured few ended up at my house and on the floor and were driven home by myself the following morning...
The following day I took Doug and my new Italian friends to see what they requested... which was weirdly enough the Philip Island Penguins... Siiigh.... a windy night sitting at a beach with 2000 people waiting for the locals residence to come back from the sea... The tourists liked it and got out of Melbourne for the day and I took the new motor for a good run!
Obi got a wiggle on...

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Charisma Goes Through Ya Like A Mercury Enema

Siiiigh.... The week has gone by and challenge mounted on problem mounted on all out diabolical avalanche!
But At least one thing is clear or clearing... I am off to Kiev in August for the start of the school year in September! You heard it right kids, Kiev is the capital of the Ukraine. I have been told that a school, (which a class mate in contact with) will offer me a pretty good wage if I can get my TESOL certificate to them ASAP.
I would have preferred the sunny days of the equator in Venezuala, BUT I will take what I can get!
I have been inspired by Teacher X... he is living La Vida Locaski!
On another note, for a guy that seemed to have the charisma of a celebrity only 5 days ago now cannot even get an email reply from 1 of 20 people... Slick, Obi Real slick...
Obi - Get me to the plane on time!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

_ _ _ _ Flash! (Not news really...)

Well it seems I didn't get the brokerage job, I cannot say that I am too worried about it though, I am looking to the future as an ESL teacher... I am sure the first year will be a hard journey but if I keep myself moving I will have to start applying for jobs at the 9 month mark of each contract year...
I honestly don't care where I go as long as I am adored by da wyminz!! (Conan the barbarian accent) and have enough money to live above the local average. That is why Vietnam and Cambodia are looking good too...
Work Cover won't even show its ugly head for 3 weeks and I am nearly officially outta money... I'd be worried if it wasn't so common an occurrence... Even then... Where will I be?
The new plan!
  1. Move outta the house and occupy the oldies while they are away.
  2. Get enough rent to cover the mortgage
  3. Get a job ANYWERE overseas.
  4. Tell Chuck Norris he's a sissy!

Obi bashing the drum of inevitabilty (Like a taiko BABY!)

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Tuesday - Named After The Norse God Of Psorisis & Softball

Greeting Dear Readers.
I has been a week to remember... if only I could...
I met a whole heap of great people at the TESOL course in Melbourne last week. I have a lot of online work to do but I had some great reviews and feedback from my instructors.
I am looking at the following countries to go and teach. Poland, Czech Republic, Russia, Venezuala, Costa Rica, Vietnam, and maybe more.
Any English Second Language readers please contact me!
Other than that, I have Doug arriving from California in 4 days and then St Patricks Day festivities... a nice drive down the coast with my new Italian friend Stafano and Serena and Doug to see the coastal beaches and the Phillip Island Penguins!
Obi is up to his neck in modules that have to be done for my ESL teaching certificate.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Thursday - Named for the Norse God of Plumbing & Dandruff!

Thursday came and went in a blur - In true dishevelled assembly style...
I met a friend in my fav bar - the Purple Emerald and I gave him a coffee machine. Well he asked a relative of mine to get him a good deal where they work, and so he is happy to get 35% off!
He informed me over a vodka and tonic that my competition for the assistant account executive position were considered rather poor and that made my chances better, but sadly the boss is rather distracted and has not yet made a decision... That works for me because I am happy to finish my course with a clear and undistracted mind...
I have a big day coming up on St Patricks Day, a friend from Califonia will be in town and I have amazingly managed to rounded up a couple of lovelies to share the day with us!
Cleaned out my garage today so I can finally get my new car in there... didn't do much else... Siiigh. The tribulations of the unemployed are upon me!
Obi don't play dat!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Hump Day!

I did not discover whether or not I have a job at the commercial brokerage... I kinda hope I do and I kinda hope I don't...
Still have the mass of forms to fill out to give to my company for the work cover incident.
Class tonight was a great start - I was late (I am never late for anything!) and it went for 4 hours. a few breaks but a lot to cover, when this week is over I will be doing all the on-line modules. I think I will specialise in teaching adults... Maybe university preparation and business English...
Siiiigh – hate this limbo of waiting and not working tho…

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Tomorrow Is Wednesday!

Hello dear readers, tomorrow is Wednesday and I am looking forward to starting my teaching classes for ESL. I hope I do well, I would like to teach English in Eastern Europe or in South America...
I am also hoping to hear about my job interview at the commerical brokers I mentions a few entrys back. Now that will take me back to my career and I will have to play catch up on a few things also, but at the end of 6 months I would be in a good job with a future. I hope to hear from that company tomorrow - Wish Me Luck!
Also I must submit my application to my employer to give me Work Cover (Sick Pay) for my work place injury... Life just seems to be a an uphill push in every direction I look... Oh well.. get out the old hiking boots!
Tonight at class we learned a few new things but I find it funny that the Swedish word for Marriage is the same as Poison! Now that shows a culture with issues eh?!
Please drop me a comment if you come by and visit my blog... It would be nice to hear from someone new!
Obi all excited!

Monday, March 06, 2006

"You're unemployed Jim, but not as you know it"

The day started out with a knock at the door, I threw what was left of the quilt I had wrestled and ripped to small handy bite size pieces during the night from feverish night terrors. Rolled out of bed to allow my mistress gravity to assist me hit the floor.
I answered the door knowing full well who it would be and sure enough mum and dad are at the door and walk straight through to the pool room... (oh, come in...). I scratched my head and put on another load of washing after they left and then continued on with an animation for this webpage that took me well into 3am... Funny the obsessive behaviours we have...
Today was filled with...
  1. Episodes of Battlestar Galatica & Stargate... (Yes I am a nerd, that has been established)
  2. 5 minute Noodles and some brief chats.
  3. A doctors appointment and some calls to clarify my status as unemployed and Work Cover worthy...
  4. A McDonald's chocolate thick shake... Not as nice as the cherry flavour but they just stopped that... much to my dismay.
  5. Creating a witty blog entry - FAILED!

Well gentle readers, any suggestions on the next course of action?

Tomorrow - Swedish Classes, Wednesday D Day...

Obi wish upon a staaaar...

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Island O Me...

Greeting Valued Readers...
Obi has been surfing the wave of uncertainty this past few weeks, Someone told me it was that scorpio was going through my sign.. maybe... Just reminds me of that story about the scorpion and the frog... You all know that one.
Seems my plans have self destructed for the most part, back to a few things for sure...
  1. The English teaching course is on next Wednesday!
  2. Doug Will be here in 12 days
  3. Work Cover Will soon be my friend... as will a solictor of note...
  4. By Wednesday I will either start the road to becoming a competent Account Exec for a commercial broker OR an English teacher in Russia or Costa Rica... (I hear the coffee is good...)

Dear visitor, if you are yet to comment on my Blog, I would love to hear from you...

Obi Won Kenardly believe his luck!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Song stuck in my head...

Don't ya hate it when you spit out the window when it's shut!? Well equally as frustrating is the last song you hear in the morning before work plays over and over again in your head.
Now with ringing in my ears anyway it is no wonder I cannot concentrate... it's driving me insane...
Any suggestions why??
Obi round like a record.....

The Kicker!

About 2 weeks back, on the day I started in my new office I had what is being described to me as an acoustic incident, Acoustic Shock as it is better known. I heard a very loud and painful high pitch sound come through the headset while I was using it and as a result, the medical assessment from an ear nose and throat specialist and an audiologist's, I am unable to continue in my current role at work.
Where does that leave me ther than in constant pain and a low pitched ringing in my ear? Well worthless to my current employer that what!
I will have a meeting with them tomorrow and see exactly where my cards lay, but tonight I will speak with a learned friend regarding work place injuries, work cover and what I am entitled to.
As it is I have an interview in the morning regarding a job I am sure will be fantastic and does not involve wearing a head set.
ObiWon, very dispondent...

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Yet Another Twist!

Seems the gods are smiling on me... before they trip me over...
My friend passed on my resume and said a few magic words but I have an uphill battle to prove I am worth the Job, I wanted a job like this for myself in about 8 months or after a world trip teaching English.
But it has come early and well before I am ready metally (karmically?) for it... story of my life to do that actually... do stuff before I am ready, trip and fall on my face... But in True Obi Won style I get up dust off sign autographs and start all over again!
So what to do??
  1. Take a job without being ready??
  2. Take a chance and teach English Overseas?
  3. Take The A train to Hoboken?
  4. Take an Aspirin?
Intoxicated by Choice? Hung Over by the possibilities?
Obi Wants a Souvalaki!
  • The Latest!
  • The Obi Has Landed!