Pills 'n' Thrills & Bellyaches
Thanks to the buddhistic words of the BendyCha I have found a little quiet in the maelstrom. There is less and less to do now. The visa is the big thing and the renting of the house is the other. Oh and I have 10 daze to finish my assignments for school.
Said good bye this week to a lovely ray of sunshine, the sweet Lizzie - back to the UK to go back to school. Such a bubbly little muffin. Siiigh...
Took my nephew to see Superman Returns today. He was 10 a few weeks ago and loves the Superman Mythos (more loves that fact that Uncle Obi knows 90% of it all!)
Work is finding new depths of agony to probe but the count down is on. I just wish I could find more time to rest and relax and do things I need to do... But there is no rest for the wicked I am told...
Obi is sorry to all I have been neglecting my blogsite...
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