Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Obi Got the Fluse Babeee

Well I finally succumbed to the flu and it's not as if I didn't push myself way over the edge for it either. This whole "Pack up your entire life in 6 months or less" book is pure rubbish!
The last page is a disclaimer from reality incoporated saying everything after the title in this book is pure speculation from a tripped out hippy...
I am missing work and money and I cannot afford to do that at all...
My Russian employer is playing funny buggers with visa letters and referees and contracts... I am really fed up with it all... and to top it all off my mother is driving me insane and is about as helpful as a life raft made of mesh!
Stay cool mah readers. I am expecting it to get worse...
Laugh now while you know I can hear you - Obi

Monday, June 26, 2006

Monday Orginally Called Mundane

After a full weekend Obi is still weary. lifting a few heavy things over the weekend has strained the ol'back and now I am at home resting it. I hate missing work - even in a job I hate as much as this one, it is more about the work ethic than anything else. So many things to do and not enough time to do them in.
I just wanna sit in a small curled up ball and cry. I am so so tired and there is no rest in sight.
The dickheads I am buying my laptop from didn't install the extra ram I wanted and were quite prepared to hand me the laptop and the ram in a seperate bag. I reminded them of the agreement which I had on my receipt and stormed out of the shop.
I have to pay out $500 to the body corp manager for work that needs to be done around here. it is way over due but that happens in the ObiVerse...

One shaky step at a time in the ObiVerse...

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Fallen Comrades

A sad farewell to a fallen comrade today. The Sweet Sally has fallen in battle agains the tedium and banality of the torture we call work.
She put in a monstrous effort and bouyed all our spirits and made us laugh. But now she has decided to throw in the towel and take it easy for a few weeks before her big adventure to New Zealand to see some old friends.
I will miss her and I hope to remain friends with her long after today. She is a bright and sweet girl whom I wish all the best things for.
On another Note - B-flat to be precise, I have a full weekend ahead and no money to do it on. So how do you get to work for 2 weeks with less than 20 bucks I ask ya... Well magic my dear reader, magic...
I urge you all to check out www.homestarrunner.com for a laugh...
Obi ain't no David Copperfeel

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Thursday Pay Day!

A nice little cheque appreared in the mail today, a claim for a computer short circuit care of your friendly neighbourhood power company... $100 will come in handy. toooo pay the water bill of the phone bill or a bill I am yet to be aware of, seems the companies sense I am moving and wanna cash in on the fact I am vulnerable and they can get some blood outta me.
Work is taudry and I seem to be the one cheering others up at work because they feel the same soul destroying deterioration as I do. Ah the irony.
Looking for a laptop - I have seen a few that would suit Obi and they range around $1300, so I think I will laybuy one and see what I can afford. The list is growing:-
  1. Hiking boots.
  2. Leather jacket
  3. Laptop
  4. Sanity

Wish me well - I have bills to pay now and next to nothing to do it with... looking forward to 2007!

Obi can ya spare a dime?

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The Countdown is wearing me out...

A busy weekend and the end of my cash until thursday. I still dunno how I managed to have to pay out more each week than I earn... and the job is a vampire to my very soul!
  • No word from Russia yet about the official invite letter so I am anxious.
  • Real estate agent came by today to take pictures for their listing of my place. it hit me, I won't be living ine my home in 2 weeks. Freaky!
  • Need to get my ticket soon... where is the money gonna come from? no idea...
  • I need to eat next week too and I think I just won't have the cash to even do that after my transport costs.
  • Did finish 2 exams on the weekend thanks to a good friend Lizzie! She coached me well!
  • Tho do have 2 assignments left.
  • Supposed to be going to the footy this weekend, maybe I will ask a few people for the fun of it.
  • C3beeri0 has a birthday this week which means I will have to head out for a beer.
  • Gotta email Russia... say hello to Lena and ask her a few questions etc. in fact I have to email a fair few people. A special hello to Linda, I need to email you again soon. I hope all is well with you.
  • A big high five to my fav gal in Korea - waaay too gooo! ( You know what I mean!)

Obi is well exhausted and demoralised by the horrible hoops he jumps thru at work... but what can he do? He has 9 weeks left and hopes to be employed and having money for the whole time. Oh and he is tired of speaking about himself in the third person like some jerk WWE wrestler!

Obi on da ropes!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Tip Toe-ing The Line

The hard slog uphill is on. Winter is here in Melbourne and the elements are as unrelenting and unforgiving as my current challenges. I am still waiting on the visa invite letter from Moscow and getting antsy - the embassy here is known for redefining lax attitude to processing anything... But I await in hope that I can slip by fates hands this time.
The queens birthday holiday is Monday and I am so looking forward to doing some school exams for Grammar. The Larking Lizzie will be helping me as she actually took notes and has passed it!
This weekend will also host a working bee with my dad and mum. things that need to be done will get done, even Raindog71 will pitch in. Bless her cotton socks.
Working 11 - 8 shift sucks chunks but I cannot do anything about it. The lies and the commission structure at this place change daily, is the shonkiest place I have ever worked.
Dunno if Raindog71 is doing what she wanted to do in Melbourne or if it is all she thought it would be. Hey yeah it is a nice city and lots to see and do, but the weather is a bitch and she is taking names..
I will send those who deserve emails something good soon!
Obi workin' and a groovin'

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Winter Sunshine!

A long week at work over and also completed was the cushy phase of my job. The next phase means I have to outbound cold call people. Don't get me wrong - I hate cold calling and almost quit and told my bosses boss so. He offered redeployment into 3 daze a week, Now I did the calculations and something about less hours eqates to less money so I said no. He was rather shitty at me for imposing on his suggestion to ask about other work, it was his offer after all, I wanted to see what was available.
So Monday I will be in bright an early to do outbound!
The dust has settled on many of my side projects and so the way seems a little clearer now. Not much but a little.
1. gotta pay for my ticket.
2. gotta clean out the garage
3. gotta clean the house up so the real estate people can take pics for advertising.
4. gotta pay bills
5. gotta do a lots stuff as it comes up!

Its a shame no wannas creep into the top 5 list....
My apologises to all i cannot chat with or write to at present, too busy, I have little time that is my own at present. Joel The Hutt stands behinds me and talks about all sorts of things not realising I may need a moment or an hours to just chill... Sigh! He is gone to greener pastures as of tomorrow - finally found a hutt of his own... good luck to him too!
Special Note! Hats off to the Fatman for the site renovation. It is Fantastic!

Obi on a few daze off

  • The Latest!
  • The Obi Has Landed!