Friday, April 14, 2006

Easter - and the chakra enema

Easter has offered me a few days off the treadmill of taudry. So in the spirt of this time of year, I saw a psychic at my mother's behest. She really did not do much at all but I left feeling a lot better about the whole 'do something brilliant with your life' thing...
Right now I have had 8 beers and I am feeling rather good, and even articulate enough to spell properly!
So I am left with the same challenges issued by two unrelated people in 2 days... I am thinking that it is something I oughta do... Take stock and make a list... The list!
I have a pen and a poetic license and I ain't afraid to use 'em!! Look out Punk!!
Obi - Flipped out and now play his own game!


Blogger raindog71 said...

Glad to hear you're feeling better.

Making an honest list of what you truly want to do with your life is a great start.

Having something down on paper to reflect on and really think about gives a sense of control and direction..

I am happy for you, this is a very positive step.

April 15, 2006  

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