Friday, February 17, 2006

Goodbye So Long and thanks For All The KMS

Paraphrasing Douglas Adams - I say good bye. Leaving this planet and going back to my own.
It has been a horrible day and a week the felt like running on a mouse wheel. But it is finally over. My 6 monthly review is at 2pm today and I pack up my desk into a box and start work in the new locale on Monday.
I pick up my new car tomorrow, a modest priced car that seems comfortable and good on the fuel. I am sure that Bessybelle - my previous car will be pleased for the rest. through all the 17 years I have had her she has been - well the car... She has taken part in a suicide and speeding, law breaking and rescues. Bye bye Bessybelle.
My back, so the Doctor tells me is a soft tissue injury and needs only physiotherapy. I am gald about that. I will do as I can to strengthen up the muscles and get rid of the intense pain.
Speaking of intense pain - my mother and father good bless them are annoying the shit outta me. Their suggestions or offers of assistance in generally are never what they seem. In actual fact they are commands and the ONLY WAY of doing things. Any attempt to think otherwise (about my own situtaion or delimma of the moment) is treated with contempt and abuse.
"I need a new car badly, had the same one for 17 years it is dead". - "Why do you need a new car? Just get a $3000 dollar car, that is all you need." I think deserve is more the word they mean.
"I want a dog I have decided". - "Why get a dog, ya cant take care of yourself properly - how are you gonna take care of a dog?!"
"I am feeling really tired at the end of a 44 hour work week". - "You are fat lose weight, no one will love you in the state you are in, get fit NOW!"
"I need to clean up at home a bit". - "God your house is meesy, you are so diusoganised, how can you expect to get through life like this??!"
"I am thinking of a holiday." - "Can you afford one?! don't waste your money travelling over seas, just go somewhere quiet, get your life together. Dont waste the money going over seas!"
"Mum. Dad. I think I might study something in my spare time and do something, you know, something different and fun to get the cob webs out of my brain..." - "Go back and finish your Insurance dipolma, do something practical, not frivilous! get your life organised!"
"...thanks for the ideas, but I think i will go what what I have already thought of..." - "Why did you ask for in the first place??! You should do (insert what ever the hell it is this time) and start getting yourself together!"
I think I have my life together, I think it is together, lumbering along as it does but still it is mine and okay.
I believe I am reasonably well organised - no better or worse than most.
I am confident I am doing somethin gwith my life, despite what they believe and say.
God - What is up with that??!
"All I really want 'em to say to me is, "Well what ever you think is best" or "That sound good" or "Go for it" or "You have put some thought into that sound like"
Seeking aproval from the parental units unfortunately is an inbreed thing - we grow out of it, or it kicks the shit out of us. I think I jhave just finished the latter... Not telling them anything anymore ever...
Nope never happens
Obi good to me...


Blogger mariah said...

I'm so sorry they're putting you through this . . . you just want them to say, "Do what makes you happy." Is that so hard to do?
Before my parents offered to pay for school, they grilled me for WEEKS (they had good reason to, though; I'm not known for finishing things). What a pisser that they won't let you live your life. Talk to you later,

February 17, 2006  
Blogger mariah said...

i can't believe they said that no one would love you in the state you're in . . . very superficial and shallow. i can't believe they're really like that . . . they must've had some sort of dorky moment. do they really think that?

February 17, 2006  
Blogger raindog71 said...

Hmm..where did this post come from?? I did check earlier...

Aw, sweetie. Don't take it too hard. You do have every right to be upset. I'd have a mind to tell them to go sod off. Yes, I REALLY WOULD.

I believe in you. I know what a special person you are, what a loveable person you are(I can picture you holding your ears going 'lalalalala..can't hear you...'right now :)). You deserve to be happy and fulfilled in your own life, and if that doesn't please 'em..well tough shit. In the end, it's your life. You have to live it.

Good news on your less thing to stress about.

I love you, sweetie. Don't let the bastards get you down.


February 17, 2006  

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