Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Australia Day

Jan 26th is Australia Day for all those who have no idea...
It will be celebrated by yours truly with a BBQ and a swim on a hot summer day of 38c in a salt water swimming pool - Ironically only 300 metres from the beach! NOICE KIMMIE!
Tell me, is it so often the case that others have a higher regard for us than we do ourselves?? What is it that others see that we, looking from the inside out seem to miss everyday when looking in the mirror each morning? Sigh...
So what else can I tell you? Russian classes start on the 4th of Febuariski!
That will so cool to figure out what the hell I am remembering from the first time I learnt Russian... The thing that brings Russian back to me the most intensely is the smell of Diesel oddly enough. When I was there the smell of it was everywhere and the temp was -30c.
I officially move into the city with my job on the 18th of February! YAY?? Not likely a happy event. Bourke Street no less...
A friend from OS is visiting in 6 weeks and while he is here I will take him sky diving, show him the sights and talk about the old times, and remember an Obi long forgotten...
Hello me, long time no see....
Obi in the mirror....
Spell checked for extra fat!


Blogger raindog71 said...

I know it's because it's easier to believe the bad stuff people(and you) think about yourself than the good.
Think negative things or be told negative things about yourself for long enough and you tend believe them.
Paging psych prof. Raindog....

January 26, 2006  

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